Guidelines for the Sustained National Implementation of CSO Participation in the Department of Education (DepEd) (Draft)

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This strategy paper is a comprehensive guide for the sustainability of CSO-government engagement in the Department of Education (DepEd). While comprehensive–it covers the different avenues of participation in DepEd–it focuses on a mechanism entirely new for both the Department and civil society, the Agency Procurement Compliance Performance Indicators (APCPI). The other participatory mechanisms refer to budgeting and planning, procurement, and school-based monitoring.

The guidelines proposed are an attempt to synthesize the many years of engagement of civil society with DepEd, mainly from those initiated by the Government Watch (G-Watch) program of the Ateneo School of Government, the most recent of which is for the APCPI. This would be of interest to many stakeholders engaged in education governance, in particular, and to those looking into the broader civil society participation in governance, in general.