Going Vertical: Citizen-led Reform Campaigns in the Philippines, 2nd ed.

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Going Vertical is a result of action-research collaboration between Government Watch (G-Watch) and the Accountability Research Center (ARC) on multi-level citizen action for accountability. This book investigates how one strategic approach to citizen accountability - vertical integration - enabled seven reform initiatives in the Philippines to gain meaningful results. 

This book is an expanded version of a research report published in December 2016, supported by a grant from Making All Voices Count (MAVC). The research was conducted in 2015 and 2016 by a team of researchers from the Philippines through the G-Watch Program that was then housed in the Ateneo School of Government, in partnership with the Accountability Research Center at American University, Washington DC, USA, and the Institute of Development Studies, UK. The first edition of this publication may be accessed at http://g-watch.org/resources/vertical-integration-research/going-vertica....

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction: Studying vertically integrated approaches to citizen-led reforms (Joy Aceron and Francis Isaac)
1.1 Introducing the research and its significance
1.2 Case study selection
1.3 Why vertical integration as a framework of analysis? 
1.4 Overview of the report 

Chapter 2. Doing accountability differently: Vertically integrated civil society policy monitoring and advocacy (Jonathan Fox)
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Vertical integration is easier said than done: Five propositions for discussion
2.3 Final thoughts

Chapter 3. Contextualizing vertical integration in Philippine civil society (Joy Aceron and Francis Isaac)
3.1 The beginnings of Philippine civil society 
3.2 ‘Champions’ in the State
3.3 Emergence of social accountability 
3.4 Participatory governance as a centerpiece platform 
3.5 How does vertical integration fit in? 

Chapter 4. Case studies

4.1 Mobilizing citizens for transparency and accountability in education through Textbook Count (Joy Aceron)
4.1.1 The emergence of social accountability in the Philippines: The G-Watch approach 
4.1.2 The organization of Textbook Count 
4.1.3 CSO coordination of Textbook Count 2003-2007 
4.1.4 Reviewing Textbook Count results through 2007
4.1.5 The changed governance context after Textbook Count (2007-2011)
4.1.6 Mapping Textbook Count: Unpacking vertical integration in terms of intensity and scope
4.1.7 Future perspectives and lessons learned from Textbook Count 

4.2 Campaigning for agrarian reform in the Bondoc Peninsula (Francis Isaac and Danilo Carranza) 
4.2.1 Introduction 
4.2.2 Brief history of agrarian reform 
4.2.3 Harvesting the gains 
4.2.4 Explaining the gains 
4.2.5 Scale of initiative 
4.2.6 Actions per level 
4.2.7 Mechanisms for integration 
4.2.8 Challenges and limitations 

4.3 Empowering communities for housing and community services (Benedict G. Nisperos and Federick Vincent Marcelo)
4.3.1 Introduction
4.3.3 Historical background on the campaign for housing
4.3.4 DAMPA and its beginnings
4.3.5 Winning the campaign on land acquisition and relocation
4.3.6 Gender and development component
4.3.7 Actions per level and intensity of actions
4.3.8 Analysis and mechanisms for integration
4.3.9 Challenges and limitations

4.4 Intensifying the anti-mining campaign (Benedict G. Nisperos and Rhia Muhi)
4.4.1 Introduction
4.4.2 ABAKATAF: From grassroots to national consciousness
4.4.3 Legal Rights Center and Alternative Law Groups
4.4.4 Actions per level and intensity of actions
4.4.5 Analysis and mechanisms of integration
4.4.6 Challenges and limitations

4.5 Campaigning for the rights of Indigenous Peoples (Benedit G. Nisperos and Romeo Saliga)
4.5.1 Introduction
4.5.2 The IPRA campaign
4.5.3 TLWOI
4.5.4 Actions per level and intensity per action
4.5.5 Analysis and mechanisms for integration
4.5.6 Challenges and limitations

4.6 Advancing reproductive health rights (Marlon Lara Cornelio)
4.6.1 Introduction
4.6.2 Actions per level and intensity of actions
4.6.3 Drivers/mechanisms for integration
4.6.4 Challenges and limitations

4.7 Building disaster resilient communities(Marlon Lara Cornelio)
4.7.1 Introduction
4.7.2 Actions per level and intensity of actions
4.7.3 Challenges and limitations

Chapter 5. Synthesis: Lessons from vertically integrated reform campaigns in the Philippines (Francis Isaac and Joy Aceron)
5.1 Introduction 
5.2 Vertical integration as an analytical framework 
5.3 Vertical integration as a strategic approach to accountability
5.4 Vertical integration as a critique of mainstream practices
5.5 Common features of the case studies: Lessons for reform initiatives in the Philippines 
5.6 Concluding remarks